Corporate Business Etiquette and Manners

 Etiquette is about being comfortable around people and making them comfortable around you. Many potential businesses and profitable alliances have been lost because of unintentional breach of manners. Etiquette includes Common Courtesy in Business Environments. The corporate world no longer accepts people who don’t care about their behavior.

Our business etiquette workshop addresses the important differences between social and business etiquette. Each is highly beneficial for newly hired employees, summer interns, office support staff, employees with management potential, executives working at client site or offices, "front-line" sales and marketing personnel responsible for profitable sales growth and customer relationship management.
Benefits of Business Etiquette:
  • Good manners make a positive impression
  • A positive perception enhances credibility
  • Knowing you are behaving appropriately helps you feel relaxed and confident so you can focus on business
  • Being polite shows you are a team player
  • People do business with you when you make them feel comfortable
The Major Topics of the Workshop:
Ø  What is Etiquette and what not
Ø  Creating the Positive First Impression
Ø  The Effective Handshake
Ø  Business Greetings
Ø  Business and Social Introductions
Ø  Business Card Management
Ø  Business Meeting Behaviour – Do’s and Don’ts
Ø  Power Dressing
Ø  Power Accessories
Ø  How do you conduct yourself at Business Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Ø  Cultural Sensitivity
Ø  Office Etiquette

Ø  Role Plays
Ø  Exercises and Group Discussions
Ø  Interactive Multimedia Presentation

Duration:  One day


 “Learning to write is learning to think”
You should always think about the purpose of any type of writing – but especially business writing. You may even end up asking yourself whether a written communication is best. Should you telephone instead? This training will provide you with the set of skills you need to be able to make those decisions.
Ø  To help participants develop writing skills that can be applied to any type of business writing
Ø  To understand and apply the 7 C’s of Communication in Written Communication
Major Topics Covered
Ø  Think before you begin
Ø  The basic rules
Ø  Preparing & Composing
Ø  Logical Structuring & Formatting
Ø  Visual appeal
Ø  The grammar and punctuations
Ø  Effective Subject Lines
Ø  Salutations and Signature
Ø  Words to express / impress
Ø  Appropriate Vocabulary
Ø  The professional document – 7 C’s
Ø  Tone and Attitude of the Written word
Ø  Importance of Editing  & Review
Ø  Email Etiquette
Ø  Getting Started
Benefits of the Training
Written Communication Skills training, will help participants to explore, understand and improve their writing skills. Develop tools that you will need to communicate effectively within the written word – in every area of your business
Ø  Written Communication in every exercise
Ø  Helping participants to understand and improve with practical written communication examples and exercises
Duration: 1 Day - 9:30 am to 5:00 pm with appropriate breaks.


As in personal life, conflict in organizations is a normal thing. It is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about -- in fact, conflict contributes to the health of organizations, workplaces and community. In today’s environment of competing interests and diversity of needs, many leaders need additional skills in order to address conflict constructively.

Conflicts will develop. How we deal with them is what is important. This practical, skills development workshop is designed for leaders to help them better identify and understand conflict, how to resolve it, how to establish a climate of cooperation and to be aware of and recognize cultural differences and needs.

Objective of this workshop is to:
In this workshop, participants have an opportunity to work on skills and techniques that can help them deal more effectively with conflict. How we respond to a conflict or potential conflict can determine whether it is prevented, resolved or allowed to escalate into an all-out dispute.
Ø  Help participants identify and understand styles of conflict
Ø  Provide techniques for improving conflict resolution and communication skills
Ø  Help participants resolve sample conflicts and build a climate of internal cooperation within their organization

Topics Covered:
  • Introduction to Conflict Resolution
  • Sources of Conflict and Sample Conflict
  • Basic Methods of Resolving Conflict
  • Assertiveness a major tool for Resolving Conflict
  • Building a Win-Win Relationship
  • Common Barriers to Win/Win
  • Mediation Skills
  • Application of Skills
  • Action Plan
Duration: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm

  • Exercises and Test Instrument (Thomas Kilmann’s)
  • Feedback involving the participants about their style of conflict handling
  • Visual aids
  • Group Discussion
  • Case study
  • Role-play
  • Simulative individual and group exercises


" Live Video Recording and Feedback after each Presentation"

The one skill that makes a person stand out, succeed and create change is his mastery on Presentation.  The person’s ability to transfer information and knowledge with clarity, to persuade effectively and to inspire with wit and eloquence is a sure-fire way of evolving from an executive to a world-class leader.
An intensive workshop where you learn to be a clear, concise and a compelling speaker. Learning and implementing the formula of 4 P’s Planning, Preparing, Practicing and Presenting you deliver your presentation with confidence.

Workshop to develop your Skills of Communicating via Presentation to deliver your message most effectively to your audience.
Objectives of this Workshop
·         To Overcome the Jitters of Business Presentations
·         Develop Poise and Confidence of presenting ideas Clearly and Effectively
·         Learn to deliver the Presentation with Impact
·         Understand the overall Art and Science of Business Presentation
·         Enhance Presentation through Power Point
Major Topics Covered
·         Managing  Nervousness & Anxiety
·         Developing Confidence
·         Audience Analysis
·         The 4  P’s
·         The Presentation Structure
·         Platform Manners
·         Managing Body Language
·         How to Start & Conclude your presentation
·         Handling Questions & Answers
·         Enhance Voice Projection
·         How do you keep your presentation Live
·         The Delivery Rules and Styles Handling Audience
·         Tips on designing and preparing  PPT
·         Handling Audio-Visuals & Microphone
·         Making Power Point Presentation
Benefits of the Training
·         You will develop poise and confidence and become a star speaker and presenter.
·         See and Review the Video Recording of your Presentation.
·         A critical analysis of your presentation style and ability.
·         A series of steps you can take to improve your presentations.
·         A guide on how to maximize your performance.
·         Video Recording and Replay of the Participants Presentation
·         Feedback to each Participants and tips to improve
·         Power Point Presentation along with Video Clips
·         Sharing and Videos of Speeches and Presentations of Hall Mark Speakers
Duration: 1 – 2 Days

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